Reunião “Cirurgia e Obesidade”
8 de maio de 2012, às 20h Auditório Austregésilo de Athayde – Térreo – Parlamundi da LBV SGAS 915 Sul Info: Alessandra 7814 3170

quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011

Cirurgia para obesidade "corta" diabetes tipo 2 - BBC News

Ok, tá em inglês, mas é super interessante... manda ver no google translator!


13 April 2011 Last updated at 07:27 GMT

Type 2 diabetes 'cut' after weight-loss surgery

By Adam Brimelow Health Correspondent, BBC News

Gastric Band Surgery Surgeons called on the government to acknowledge the obesity problem urgently

The UK's first large-scale study on the impact of weight-loss surgery has reported a large reduction in type 2 diabetes and other health problems.

The National Bariatric Surgery Registry said type 2 diabetes fell by 50% and on average patients lost nearly 60% of their excess weight a year after surgery, based on 1,421 operations.

The Royal College of Surgeons says the NHS should prepare for rising demand.

(click no link para ler toda a notícia)

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